Hi, I’m Britta.

In June of 2009, I sat on the stairs leading up to the second story of my house. I buried my head in my hands crying, feeling like a terrible mom. I was astounded I had come to a place where my 5 year old was completely and utterly defeating me. I had survived his older brothers at this age. I was doing ok with his twin brother, but this little guy, was more than I could handle.  Everyday was filled with excessive tantrums, negative attitudes, giggles of mischief, kicking, pushing, and not listening. He had physical symptoms like rosy red earlobes and cheeks, night terrors, sleep walking, eczema, and drooling. I had taken him to the doctor. I had asked other parents for advice. I had read anything and everything I could get my hands on about parenting. I was failing and I knew it. 

In November of 2007, I had my own health crisis. I was suffering from many symptoms like loss of focus and concentration, allergies, and sensitivities to many foods, extreme fatigue and low blood sugar, to name a few. I went from one doctor, who sent me to another doctor, who sent me to another doctor and so on. Gradually, I noticed that when I ate certain foods, my symptoms became worse. I started to experiment with food and altered my diet. I kept a journal to link which foods were troublesome and which foods made me feel alive. Realizing that foods bothered my energy levels, moods and physical symptoms, I decided to apply the same principles to my son, that is when everything drastically transformed.

It hurts my heart to think of that little boy with such bad behavior. After we changed to a healthier lifestyle, he became loving, sweet, kind and compassionate. In fact, he is one of the most giving people I have ever met! He was buried in symptoms, as I was, modifying his true personality. 

As a result, I have developed a passion, a need, and a drive to help children, just like my son. Given the right tools and nourishment, they can be who they were meant to be. They can thrive and be successful in life!


Are you ready for a transformation?

As an Integrative Health Coach, I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of life affect health as a whole. A few concepts we will explore are:

Bio-Individuality- This is the idea that we all have unique food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison.  I will support positive changes that are based on the needs, lifestyle, and preferences of the individual.  

Primary Food- It isn’t just food that affects our health, but all the other factors present in daily life. Healthy relationships, sleep habits, regular physical fitness, and the mind are essential forms of nourishment. When these primary food are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary.  

Deconstructing Cravings- Cravings play a critical role in understanding what your body needs and shouldn’t be ignored.  Deconstructing cravings can help you understand what the body is trying to tell you to reclaim a sense of balance.

My Experience

  •  My first and most important job is being a mother to four young men. I have a 22 year old, 19 year old and twin 15 year olds. Mothering is never easy, but it has been a pleasure to watch these boys grow. They have taught me patience, joy, unconditional love and how to walk my talk.
  • I had my own health crisis that was an educating journey. I felt like a new experiment everyday for many years. Overcoming it gave me understanding and a compassion to help others that struggle with their health.  
  • Watching one of my son’s struggle with physical and behavioral issues, only to completely transform after changing the way I nourished him, was inspiring and life changing. It was at this point I developed a passion to help other children. It is important to me, that all children have the life they deserve. A life free of conflict within their own bodies, free to be who they were meant to be and to share themselves with the rest of the world. 
  • Along my heath journey, I became educated in different modalities. I became an Internationally Certified ITEC Reflexologist. I taught Reflexology and Aromatherapy at a Holistic School in Texas. After that, I wanted to learn more about the physical fitness side of health and became Certified in Personal Training. Putting it all together, I became Certified in Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching at the Institution of Integrative Health.